Aims and Scope
Flower Research Journal (Flower Res J)which is an international journal for Floricultural Science, the official journal of the Korean Society for Floricultural Science (KSFS) launched in 1991, is a peerreviewed and published quarterly for the purpose of advancing the scientific researches. The journal aims to advance and disseminate the scientific and technical knowledge concerning floricultural science. The journal published 4 issues per year in English or Korean with English abstract, and follows an open access policy. Flower Research Journal is indexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI). The scope of the journal covers the following topics: Floriculture breeding and genetics, cultivation physiology, post-harvest physiology, new cultivar introduction, genomics, molecular biology, biotechnology, new techniques development related on high quality production, and other topics within the scope of floricultural science such as urban horticulture, landscaping, gardening, etc.
Contact Us
Editorial Office
College of Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Andong National University, Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 36729, Korea
Tel: +82-54-820-5472 E-mail:
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Journal Abbreviation : 'Flower Res. J.'
Frequency : Quarterly
Doi Prefix : 10.11623/frj.
ISSN : 1225-5009 (Print) / 2287-772X (Online)
Year of Launching : 1991
Publisher : The Korean Society for Floricultural Science
Indexed/Tracked/Covered By : -
Online Submission
Original Research
Articles국문 영문Review Articles 리뷰 ★NEWTechnical Reports단보 New Cultivar
Introduction 품종 -
Korean Society for
Floricultural Science -
Contact Us
Flower Research Journal- Tel: +82-54-820-5472
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